Interregional Connectivity Study: Front Range, Colorado
Colorado’s Front Range
Colorado Department of Transportation
Project Lead:
CH2MHill (Now Jacobs)
Project Type:
Socioeconomic Impacts, NEPA
The Project:
ArLand, along with CH2MHill, completed an Interregional Connectivity Study focusing on future high speed rail potentials along Colorado’s Front Range. In addition to transportation planning and analysis, the project included public outreach, potential station identification, and coordination with the Advanced Guideway System feasibility study examining the feasibility and potential for high speed rail in the I-70 mountain corridor.
Our Role:
ArLand’s scope included public meetings, TOD benefits, potential funding sources, and the potential economic impacts, costs and benefits high speed rail could have on the state’s economy. The firm undertook an extensive literature search of high speed rail benefits and costs throughout the U.S. and other countries, and developed a methodology, along with other team members, for assessing benefits and impacts to the state economy.