I-25 Broadway Station Area Plan: Denver, Colorado
The City and County of Denver
Project Lead:
Project Type:
TOD & Mixed Use
The Project:
The I-25 Broadway station is a major regional transit hub for the Southeast and Southwest corridor rail lines, as well as a number of regional bus lines. ArLand provided the market study for the station area plan. The firm examined the potentials for residential, office, and retail for the station area and worked closely with land planners / urban designers and the City and County of Denver on land uses and supporting infrastructure and connectivity improvements. The team also coordinated with a major developer who owns the vacant 50 acre parcel adjacent to the station and RTD which has a 1,200 space surface parking lot. Among the challenges with the parcel are the cost of infrastructure needed, the financial tools (Tax Increment Financing and Title 32 Metropolitan Districts) available, and the level of densities, and the mix of land uses needed to support the infrastructure financing. Development is underway.