Colorado Aerotropolis Study: Cities of Denver, Aurora, Brighton, Commerce City, Adams County
Denver Metro Area
Colorado Department of Transportation
Project Lead:
Project Type:
Economic Benefits, Land Use Forecasts
The Project:
After Adams County and Denver voters voted to end restrictions on developing 1,500 acres of land around the airport, ArLand teamed with CDOT, HDR, and a team of municipal stakeholders to further the goal of developing an Aerotropolis around Denver International Airport (DEN).
Our Role:
ArLand worked with the team in developing a land use framework for Aerotropolis-related redevelopment in association with supportive infrastructure to help facilitate long term mixed-use growth in this area. The team also developed a potential revenue generation model and an analysis of potential benefits of regional cooperation compared to a scenario of growth based on trends developed by DRCOG without the catalyst of the Aerotropolis. The team also discussed potential regional governance and finance structures with the stakeholders. Stakeholders included representatives from DEN, Cities of Denver, Commerce City, Aurora, and Brighton, and Adams County.