Other TOD & Mixed Use Development Projects
ArLand has worked with a number of planners, architects, and engineers in developing station area plans for jurisdictions in the Denver metro area as the light rail and commuter rail system builds out.
ArLand has worked with a number of planners, architects, and engineers in developing station area plans for jurisdictions in the Denver metro area as the light rail and commuter rail system builds out.
ArLand worked with Stear, Davies Gleave and the City of Longmont on a station area plan for its anticipated commuter rail station. ArLand examined single and multi-family residential, employment and commercial uses in a technical analysis and series of interviews with area developers and brokers. The firm also participated in a developer forum. The analysis helps provide an economic framework for future land uses and needed infrastructure improvements for the station area plan. The plan provides a development framework for the area, needed improvements and area priorities, and takes advantage of area amenities including proximity to the St. Vrain. The City subsequently rezoned part of the area and redevelopment has been underway on several parcels adjacent to the proposed station to the east along Main Street.
ArLand worked with the Perspective 3 team, the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) and the Five Points Business District Office on an Implementation Plan for the residents and businesses along the Welton Corridor and in the Five Points neighborhood.
ArLand provided the market study for the I-25 / Broadway Station Area Plan. The station is a major regional transit hub for the Southeast and Southwest corridor rail lines, as well as a number of regional bus lines. The firm examined the potentials for residential, office, and retail for the station area and worked closely with land planners / urban designers and the City of Denver on land uses and supporting infrastructure and connectivity improvements. The team also coordinated with a major developer who owns the vacant 50 acre parcel adjacent to the station and RTD which has a 1,200 space surface parking lot. One of the challenges with the parcel is the cost of infrastructure needed, the financial tools (TIF and Metro District) available, and the level of densities and the mix of land uses to support the infrastructure financing. Development is underway.
ArLand was retained by the Denver Housing Authority (DHA) to assess the market potentials for the proposed 15.1-acre South Lincoln Redevelopment Master Plan area in the La Alma/Lincoln Park neighborhood of Denver adjacent to the 10th and Osage light rail station. The property originally housed 270 public housing units. The site has evolved to include a mix of housing products targeting a range of income levels and some commercial uses in a green, mixed use environment.
ArLand worked with a team of consultants led by Design Workshop, the City and County of Denver and the Denver Housing Authority on a plan for the Decatur-Federal neighborhood of Denver. The area is characterized by the Denver Housing Authority’s Sun Valley community, proximity to Sports Authority Field at Mile High, the Platte River and the Auraria campus as well as location at the first light rail station outside of downtown Denver along the West Corridor.